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Join the VFR campaign


There has already been a lot of misinformation about the Voice, what it is and what its’ impact will be. We respect the rights of all Australians to develop their own views on the Voice, but want to point out misinformation wherever it appears, regardless of whether it is from Voice advocates or opponents, so there is a clearer picture for Australian voters. If you see additional incorrect information published in relation to the Voice referendum, please contact us at info@vfr23.com.au so that we can correct the facts here.


A: This view is surprisingly common in social media. There is no evidence that this is true, or that the Voice has been driven by groups outside of Australia. The Voice was proposed by Indigenous leaders at a meeting at Uluru in 2017. The Uluru Statement from the Heart was produced at that meeting and has since been shared around Australia, in a well-documented journey

The Voice will report to Parliament, but it won’t pass legislation, control policy or control Government spending. It is an advisory body to the Federal Parliament. It does not change the composition of the Parliament or how the Parliament is elected.

All Australians can make representation to their local MP. Constitutional experts have determined that the Voice will not give Indigenous people rights that are superior or different to those of other Australians. The Voice makes Indigenous representation permanent and ongoing, but not above the representation of other Australians.

83% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people support the Voice, according to a YouGov poll in April 2023.

The 2023 Closing the Gap report recommended implementing the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full, including a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution. The failures of past efforts to Close the Gap have been well documented for more than a decade. Successive governments have recognised the importance of increased local control of solutions to improve the effectiveness of government policy.

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